
NEWS Winterschool400x226

2nd Baltic Earth Winter School is online

Baltic Earth international Winter Schools are spin-offs of our successful Summer Schools, organized and hosted by Markus Meier of Leibniz Institute for Baltic Sea...

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NEWS Event 2ems Workshop Main Marcus Reckermann

Marginal Seas Conference Summary now available...

On 16 and 17 December 2020, Baltic Earth co-organized a large international conference on "Marginal Seas- Past and Future". The conference topics encompass topics...

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NEWS BEAR logo (Marcus Reckermann)

BEAR and EN CLIME processes underway...

Baltic Earth Assessment Reports (BEAR) with BACC updates (BACC III) now in the making

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NEWS Baltic Earth logo (Marcus Reckermann)

New Baltic Earth Website online

The Baltic Earth website now comes in a new design...

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EGU 2021: Abstract Deadline extended to 20 January 13:00 CET

The EGU General Assembly 2021 will be an online event, as anticipated. It will take place between 19 and 30 April 2021. There is...

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