Baltic Earth Projects

A tentative compilation of current Baltic Earth projects is underway (latest on top). If you feel a project is missing, send an E-mail to the IBES.

  • BEAR Baltic Earth Assessment Reports (BEARs) is an activity to wrap together the currently available knowledge in the research fields of the Baltic Earth Grand Challenges plus some more. This was done by teams of experts following the BACC principles, but not in a book format, but as a collection of extensive review papers in Earth System Dynamics (ESD). The update to BACC II is one of the BEAR papers. All 11 papers are published in ESD as of May 2023.
  • EN CLIME Expert Network on Climate Change (EN CLIME) is a group of experts in climate change issues in the Baltic Sea region, set up by HELCOM and Baltic Earth. With the help of EN CLIME, HELCOM will produce a comprehensive "fact sheet" on climate change and its impacts in the Baltic Sea region. There is a close collaboration between the climate related work on the BEAR and the production of the HELCOM climate fact sheet.
  • ESA Baltic+ SeaLaBio The ESA funded project Baltic+ SeaLaBio will demonstrate the added value of Earth Observation for achieving the Baltic Earth “Grand Challenge 2” goals, and particularly, if combined with biogeochemical modeling. Colored dissolved organic matter (CDOM) is in the focus of this study. CDOM is part of the marine carbon cycle and the vast amount in the Baltic Sea is of terrestrial origin due to high CDOM concentrations in the northern rivers.
  • Boknis Eck The Time-Series Station Boknis Eck is located at the north-eastern entrance of the Eckernförde Bay in the SW Baltic Sea. Boknis Eck belongs to the oldest -still operated- oceanic time-series stations worldwide: First regular hydrographic measurements (salinity) have been made on a daily basis in the Eckernförde Bay from 1876 to 1893. ‘Modern’ biological, chemical and physical measurements at Boknis Eck are conducted since 30 April 1957 on a monthly basis.
  • BloomSail Chasing cyanobacterial blooms with a small sailboat, Gotland Sea 2018
  • BONUS INTEGRAL Integrated carbon and trace gas monitoring for the Baltic Sea
    A BONUS project, duration 3 years (2017-2020)
  • BONUS BALTICAPP Wellbeing from the Baltic Sea – applications combining natural science and economics
    A BONUS project, duration 3 years (2015-2018)
  • BONUS SHEBA Sustainable shipping and environment of the Baltic Sea region
    A BONUS project, duration 3 years (2015-2018)
  • BACC - BALTEX/Baltic Earth Assessments of Climate Change for the Baltic Sea Basin BACC, the BALTEX and Baltic Earth Assessments of Climate Change for the Baltic Sea basin were compiled to assemble, integrate and assess available knowledge of past, current, and expected future climate change and its impacts on the environments of the Baltic Sea basin. BACC was published in 2008, BACC II in 2015, as text books by Springer: Both are Open Access and freely downloadable.
  • BALTEX Projects For the complete list of BALTEX projects, go to the BALTEX Archive pages...