Terms of Reference
approved by BESSG as of 18 June 2014
modified and approved by BESSG as of 13 December 2022
1. Tasks of the BESAB are
- to provide advice, upon request by the Baltic Earth Science Steering Group (BESSG), to BESSG, in terms of strategy and overall directions;
- to provide insight and contacts to relevant stakeholders, international boards and funding organizations;
- to assist in acquiring financial support for specific Baltic Earth activities which require additional funding;
- to meet at least annually, either on site or via telephone conference call;
to strictly give advice, no decisions are taken by the SAB.
2. Term
For chairs and members: 2 years (starting June 2014), with possibility for renewal.
3. Election and approval
Criteria for membership: extensive international experience in a specific field of Baltic Earth, scientifically and in preferably in research management;
As far as possible, gender, country, institutional and scientific discipline balance to be considered,
Chairperson and new members to be suggested by BESSG and approved with qualified majority 1,
Suggestion of a candidate to be communicated to all members at least 4 weeks prior to election and approval by a qualified majority1 of the BESSG,
Approval of membership changes by BESSG normally at a regular BESSG meeting, in important cases approval and election may be by E-mail between BESSG meetings,
Final official approval by the BESSG chair.
1The “qualified majority” is 2/3 of BESSG members present at a meeting. A minimum of 1/2 of the BESSG must be present at a meeting for valid votes and to take decisions, this may include votes submitted prior to the meeting to the BESSG chair.