How to participate in Baltic Earth

Baltic Earth is an open research network of scientists involved in environmental research in the Baltic Sea basin in all its aspects. It is meant to act as a common science, communication and data platform, with the overall goal to integrate efforts to gain a better understanding of the Earth system of the Baltic Sea region, encompassing processes in the atmosphere, on land and in the sea, as well as processes and impacts related to human activities, i.e. the antroposphere. One goal is to foster the development of coupled models contributing to a regional Earth System Modelling of the Baltic Sea basin.

Baltic Earth research encompasses the disciplines

  • Meteorology
  • Hydrology
  • Oceanography
  • Regional Climate Research
  • Biogeochemistry
  • Numerical Modelling as common tool attempting to integrate these disciplines
  • Social science to evaluate the role of man in the changing environment

You are invited to be part of the Baltic Earth community if you are active in any of these research fields in the Baltic Sea basin.

You can participate through:

1. Project proposals

You are working on or are planning to work on a project related to any of the above disciplines in the Baltic Sea basin and your project related to one of the Baltic Earth Grand Challenges ? Then you can submit a project description to the IBES who will send the proposal to the BESSG for approval. This warrants a high quality level.

Benefits are:

  • 1. The quality label Your project is part of a large international research programme with high quality standards
  • 2. Publicity and discussion platform A project description and details are accessible through the Baltic Earth web site; interested scientists can directly contact the project representatives

We particularly encourage PhD projects to be submitted for approval as Baltic Earth projects. Furthermore we would like to promote an interdisciplinary network of PhD students working on Baltic Earth related topics in the Baltic Sea basin.

Please complete it and send it to the IBES: balticearth(at)

For current projects, see the project page .

Sorry, we have no funds available, so there is no money involved here.

2. Baltic Earth Newsletter

The Baltic Earth Newsletter is intended to be published 2-4 times a year as E-Mail Newsletter, as of No.2. It contains scientific articles, news and information as well as announcements of meetings and events around Baltic Earth. You can send an article anytime to the IBES: balticearth(at)