New Baltic Earth Publications
This page summarizes recent peer-reviewed Baltic Earth publications. A „Baltic Earth publication“ shall fulfill at least one of the following criteria:
1) It describes results of a Baltic Earth project and Baltic Earth is explicitly referred to in the title, abstract, introduction or summary of the publication.
2) The publication contributes to at least one of the current Baltic Earth Grand Challenges, and the authors agree that their publication is listed on the Baltic Earth website.
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You are also encouraged to visit the BALTEX/Baltic Earth Online Publication Library for a comprehensive overview on BALTEX and Baltic Earth related publications.
- Barghorn L, Meier HEM, Radtke H, Neumann T, Naumov L Warm saltwater inflows strengthen oxygen depletion in the western Baltic Sea Clim Dyn 63, 29 (2025).
- Kiesel J, Wolff C, Lorenz M Brief communication: From modelling to reality – flood modelling gaps highlighted by a recent severe storm surge event along the German Baltic Sea coast Nat Hazards Earth Syst Sci 24;3841–3849, November 2024
- Gröger M, Börgel F, Karsten S, Meier HEM, Safonova K, Dutheil C, Receveur A, Polte P Future climate change and marine heatwaves - Projected impact on key habitats for herring reproduction Science of The Total Environment 951, 175756, August 2024
- Lindenthal A, Hinrichs C, Jandt-Scheelke S, Kruschke T, Lagemaa P, van der Lee EM, Maljutenko I, Morrison HE, Panteleit TR, Raudsepp U Baltic Sea surface temperature analysis 2022: a study of marine heatwaves and overall high seasonal temperatures Copernicus Publications, State Planet, 4-osr8, 16,, September 2024.
- Omstedt A, Dailidienė I, von Storch H, Grønfeldt Winther R Philosophical views of Baltic Basin climate and environmental sciences Oceanologia, 66 (4)/2024, 66407, August 2024
- Skogen MD, Aarflot JM, García-García LM, Ji R, Ruiz-Villarreal M, Almroth-Rosell E, Belgrano A, Benkort D, Daewel U, Edman M, Friedland R, Gao S, Hill-Cruz M, Hjøllo SS, Huret M, Kellner JB, van Leeuwen S, Lopez de Gamiz-Zearra A, Maar M, Mousing EA, Peck MA, Pastor Rollan A, Sailley SF, Saraiva S, Speakman C, Troost T, Yumruktepe VC Bridging the gap: integrating models and observations for better ecosystem understanding Mar Ecol Prog Ser 739: 257-268, doi: 10.3354/meps14616, July 2024
- Breznikar A, Pönisch DL, Lorenz M, Jurasinski G, Rehder G, Voss M Rewetting effects on nitrogen cycling and nutrient export from coastal peatlands to the Baltic Sea, Biogeochemistry 167: 967-987,
doi: 10.1007/s10533-024-01149-9, June 2024
- Wåhlström I, Almroth-Rosell E, Edman M, Olofsson M, Eilola K, Fleming V, Gröger M, Arneborg L, Meier HEM Increased nutrient retention and cyanobacterial blooms in a future coastal zone Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science.301-108728, June 2024
- Osadczuk A, Borówka R, Dudzińska-Nowak J Two Millennia of Natural and Anthropogenic Changes of the Polish Baltic Coast OXFORD RESEARCH ENCYCLOPEDIA (ORE) , "CLIMATE SCIENCE", April 2024
- Hariri S, Meier HEM, Väli G Investigating the influence of sub-mesoscale current structures on Baltic Sea connectivity through a Lagrangian analysis Front. Mar. Sci.,11, April 2024
- Moros M, Kotilainen A, Snowball I, Neumann T, Perner K, Meier HEM, Papenmeier S, Kolling H, Leipe T, Sinninghe Damsté JS, Schneider R Giant saltwater inflow in AD 1951 triggered Baltic Sea hypoxia BOREAS 53(2)-125-138, April 2024
- Naumov L, Meier HEM, Neumann T Oxygen dynamics in the Baltic Sea under reduced nutrient inputEGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-12994,, April 2024
- Barghorn L, Meier HEM, Radtke H, Neumann T Warm saltwater inflows strengthen oxygen depletion in the western Baltic Sea EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-38,, April2024
- Soomere T Climate Change and Coastal Processes in the Baltic Sea OXFORD RESEARCH ENCYCLOPEDIA (ORE) , "CLIMATE SCIENCE", March 2024
- Reckermann M, Meier HEM, Kulinski K, Dudzinska-Nowak J Baltic Earth: Assessing the Baltic Earth System
Oceanologia 66 (1) V-VI, January–March 2024 - Omstedt A, von Storch H The BALTEX/Baltic Earth program: Excursions and returns
Oceanologia 66(1):1-8, January–March 2024 - Liblik T, Buschmann F, Siht E, Kuprijanov I, Väli G, Lipp M, Erm A, Laanemets J, Eschbaum R, Verliin A, Saks L, Zekker I Environmental impact of water exchange blocking in a strait – a multidisciplinary study in the Baltic Sea
Oceanologia 66(1):9-25, January–March 2024 - Klimavičius L, Rimkus E Compound drought and heatwave events in the eastern part of the Baltic Sea region
Oceanologia 66(1):26-36, January–March 2024 - Zalewska T, Wilman, B, Łapeta B, Marosz M, Biernacik D, Wochna A, Saniewski M, Grajewska A, Iwaniak M Seawater temperature changes in the southern Baltic Sea (1959–2019) forced by climate change
Oceanologia 66(1):37-55, January–March 2024 - Najafzadeh F, Jankowski M, Giudici, Männikus R, Suursaar Ü, Viška M, Soomere T Spatiotemporal variability of wave climate in the Gulf of Riga
Oceanologia 66(1):56-77, January–March 2024 - Väli G, Meier HEM, Liblik T, Radtke H, Klingbeil K, Gräwe U, Lips U Submesoscale processes in the surface layer of the central Baltic Sea: A high-resolution modelling study
Oceanologia 66(1):78-90, January–March 2024 - Post P, Aun M Changes in cloudiness contribute to changing seasonality in the Baltic Sea region
Oceanologia 66(1):91-98, January–March 2024 - Merchel M, Walczoowski W, Rak D, Wieczorek P The use of Argo floats as virtual moorings for monitoring the South Baltic Sea
Oceanologia 66(1):99-110, January–March 2024 - Ehlert von Ahn C, Dellwig O, Szymczycha B, Kotwicki L, Rooze J, Endler R, Escher P, Schmiedinger I, Sültenfuß J, Diak M, Gehre M, Struck U, Vogler S, Böttcher ME Submarine groundwater discharge into a semi-enclosed coastal bay of the southern Baltic Sea: A multi-method approach
Oceanologia 66(1):111-138, January–March 2024 - Stoicescu S-T, Hoikkala L, Fleming V, Lips U Continuing long-term expansion of low-oxygen conditions in the Eastern Gulf of Finland
Oceanologia 66(1):139-152, January–March 2024 - Safonova K, Meier HEM, Gröger M Summer heatwaves on the Baltic Sea seabed contribute to oxygen deficiency in shallow areasCommunications Earth & Environment 5:106, February 2024
- Karsten S, Radtke H, Gröger M, Ho-Hagemann HTM, Mashayekh H, Neumann T, Meier HEM Flux coupling approach on an exchange grid for the IOW Earth System Model (version 1.04.00) of the Baltic Sea region Geosci. Model Dev., 17, 1689–1708,, February2024.
- Gröger M, Dutheil C, Börgel F, Meier HEM Drivers of marine heatwaves in a stratified marginal sea Clim Dyn (2024)., January 2024
- Vajedsamiei J, Warlo N, Meier HEM, Melzner F A Bayesian overhaul of thermal tolerance landscape models: Predicting ectotherm lethality buildup and survival amid heatwaves bioRxiv, 2024.01. 23.576827, January 2024
- Melet A, van de Wal R, Amores A, Arns A, Chaigneau A, Dinu I, Haigh ID, Hermans THJ, Lionello P, Marcos M, Meier HEM, Meyssignac B, Palmer MD, Reese R, Simpson MJR, Slangen A Sea Level Rise in Europe: Observations and projections State Planet 2023-1-106, December 2023
- Lorenz M, Gräwe U Uncertainties and discrepancies in the representation of recent storm surges in a non-tidal semi-enclosed basin: a hindcast ensemble for the Baltic Sea, Ocean Sci 19:1753–1771, December 2023
- Jiménez JA, Bonaduce A, Depuydt M, Galluccio G, Van Den Hirk B, Meier HEM, Pinardi N, Pomarico LG, Vazquez Riveiros N, Winter G Sea Level Rise in Europe: Knowledge gaps identified through a participatory approach State of the Planet Discussions 2023, 1-22, December 2023
- Kiesel J, Honsel LE, Lorenz M, Gräwe U, Vafeidis AT Raising dikes and managed realignment may be insufficient for maintaining current flood risk along the German Baltic Sea coast Commun Earth Environ 4:433, November 2023
- Lorenz M, Arns A, Gräwe U How Sea Level Rise May Hit You Through the Backdoor: Changing Extreme Water Levels in Shallow Coastal Lagoons, Geophys. Res. Lett. 50: e2023GL105512, doi:
10.1029/2023GL105512, November 2023 - Kiesel J, Lorenz M, König M, Gräwe U, Vafeidis AT Regional assessment of extreme sea levels and associated coastal flooding along the German Baltic Sea coast, Nat Hazards Earth Syst Sci, 23: 2961–2985
- Karsten S, Radtke H, Gröger M, Ho-Hagemann HTM, Mashayekh H, Neumann T, Meier HEM Exchange-grid coupling approach for the IOW Earth System Model (version 1.04. 00) of the Baltic Sea region Geosci. Model Dev., 17, 1689–1708, September 2023
- Friedland R, Vock C, Piehl S Estimation of hypoxic areas in the western Baltic Sea with geostatistical models Water 2023, 15(18), 3235;, September 2023
- Naumov L, Meier HEM, Neumann T Dynamics of oxygen sources and sinks in the Baltic Sea under different nutrient inputs Front. Mar. Sci.,
Sec. Coastal Ocean Processes, 10, August 2023 - Dutheil C, Meier HEM, Gröger M, Börgel F Warming of Baltic Sea water masses since 1850 Clim Dyn 61, 1311–1331, August 2023
- Naumov L, Neumann T, Meier HEM, Radtke H Elevated oxygen consumption in the central Baltic Sea reduces ventilation XXVIII General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG) July 2023
- Börgel F, Neumann T, Rooze J, Radtke H, Barghorn L, Meier HEM Deoxygenation of the Baltic Sea during the last millennium Front. Mar. Sci., Sec. Physical Oceanography 10, July 2023
- Barghorn L, Meier HEM, Radtke H Changes in seasonality of saltwater inflows caused exceptional warming trends in the western Baltic Sea Geophysical Research Letters
Volume 50, Issue 12 e2023GL103853, June 2023 - Piehl S, Friedland R, Heyden B, Leujak W, Neumann T, Schernewski G Modeling of water quality indicators in the western Baltic Sea: Seasonal oxygen deficiency Environ Model Assess 28, 429–446., June 2023
- Börgel F, Gröger M, Meier HEM, Dutheil C, Radtke H, Borchert L The impact of Atlantic Multidecadal Variability on Baltic Sea temperatures limited to winter Climate and Atmospheric Science 6: 64, June 2023
- Meier HEM, Barghorn L, Börgel F, Gröger M, Naumov L, Radtke H Multidecadal climate variability dominated past trends in the water balance of the Baltic Sea watershed Climate and Atmospheric Science 6:58 June 2023
- Svedäng H The Development of Fish Stocks and Fisheries in the Baltic Sea Since the Last Glaciation OXFORD RESEARCH ENCYCLOPEDIA (ORE) , "CLIMATE SCIENCE", May 2023
- Kotilainen A, Moros M, Snowball I, Neumann T, Perner K, Meier HEM, Sinninghe Damsté J, Schneider R Winter-time deep-water formation/convection in the Baltic Sea-affecting seabed dynamics and ventilation changes over the past EGU23, the 25th EGU General Assembly, held 23-28 April, 2023 in Vienna, Austria and Online. Online at, id. EGU-9566, May 2023
- Naumov L, Neumann T, Radtke H, Meier HEM Limited ventilation of the central Baltic Sea due to elevated oxygen consumption Front. Mar. Sci., Sec. Coastal Ocean Processes 10, April 2023
- Deppisch S Climate Change Impacts on Cities in the Baltic Sea Region OXFORD RESEARCH ENCYCLOPEDIA (ORE) , "CLIMATE SCIENCE", February 2023
- Meier HEM, Reckermann M, Langner J, Smith B, Didenkulova I The Baltic Earth Assessment Reports, Earth Syst Dynam Preprint esd-2023-4, February 2023
- Leppäranta M History and Future of Snow and Sea Ice in the Baltic Sea OXFORD RESEARCH ENCYCLOPEDIA (ORE) , "CLIMATE SCIENCE", January 2023
- Reckermann M, Harff J, Meier HEM, Kulinski K, von Storch H Earth system changes in marginal seas, Oceanologia, Vol 65 (1):V-VIII,
January-March 2023 - Greene G, Baker MR, Aschoff J, Pacunski R Hazards evaluation of a valuable vulnerable sand-wave field forage fish habitat in the marginal Central Salish Sea using a submersible
Oceanologia, Vol 65 (1):1-19
January-March 2023 - Omstedt A How to develop an understanding of the marginal sea system by connecting natural and human sciences
Oceanologia, Vol 65 (1):20-29
January-March 2023 - Deich C, Kanwischer M, Zhang R, Waniek JJ Natural and synthetic estrogenic compounds in the Pearl River Estuary and northern shelf of the South China Sea
Oceanologia, Vol 65 (1):30-43
January-March 2023 - von Storch H Perceptions of an endangered Baltic Sea
Oceanologia, Vol 65 (1):44-49
January-March 2023 - Bailey G, Cawthra HC The significance of sea-level change and ancient submerged landscapes in human dispersal and development: A geoarchaeological perspective
Oceanologia, Vol 65 (1):50-70
January-March 2023 - Janušaitė R, Jarmalavičius D, Pupienis D, Žilinskas G, Jukna L Nearshore sandbar switching episodes and their relationship with coastal erosion at the Curonian Spit, Baltic Sea
Oceanologia, Vol 65 (1):71-85
January-March 2023 - Martyanov SD, Isaev AV, Ryabchenko VA Model estimates of microplastic potential contamination pattern of the eastern Gulf of Finland in 2018
Oceanologia, Vol 65 (1):86-99
January-March 2023 - Golenko M, Paka V, Zhurbas V, Korzh A, Kondrashov A Intermediate plumes of low oxygen in the southeastern Baltic Sea
Oceanologia, Vol 65 (1):100-116
January-March 2023 - Soomere T Numerical simulations of wave climate in the Baltic Sea: a review
Oceanologia, Vol 65 (1):117-140
January-March 2023 - Maciulyte V, Rimkus E, Valiukas D, Stonevicius E Long-term precipitation events in the eastern part of the Baltic Sea region
Oceanologia, Vol 65 (1):141-150
January-March 2023 - Wolski T, Wisniewski B Characteristics of seasonal changes of the Baltic Sea extreme sea levels
Oceanologia, Vol 65 (1):151-170
January-March 2023 - Klimavicius L, Rimkus E, Stonevicius E, Maciulyte V Seasonality and long-term trends of NDVI values in different land use types in the eastern part of the Baltic Sea basin
Oceanologia, Vol 65 (1):171-181
January-March 2023 - Porz L, Zhang W, Schrum C Natural and anthropogenic influences on the development of mud depocenters in the southwestern Baltic Sea
Oceanologia, Vol 65 (1):182-193
January-March 2023 - Boniewicz-Szmyt K, Grzegorczyk M, Pogorzelski S, Rochowski P Photosynthetic signatures of microbial colonies covering submerged hard surfaces as novel trophic status indicators: Baltic Sea studies
Oceanologia, Vol 65 (1):194-201
January-March 2023 - Stattegger K, Leszczynska K Rapid sea-level rise during the first phase of the Littorina transgression in the western Baltic Sea
Oceanologia, Vol 65 (1):202-210
January-March 2023 - Zhang J, Tomczak M, Witkowski A, Zhen X, Li C A fossil diatom-based reconstruction of sea-level changes for the Late Pleistocene and Holocene period in the NW South China Sea
Oceanologia, Vol 65 (1):211-229
January-March 2023 - Hagemann S, Stacke T Complementing ERA5 and E-OBS with high-resolution river discharge over Europe
Oceanologia, Vol 65 (1):230-248
January-March 2023 - Groh A, Harff J Relative sea-level changes induced by glacial isostatic adjustment and sediment loads in the Beibu Gulf, South China Sea
Oceanologia, Vol 65 (1):249-259
January-March 2023 - Foglini F, Grande V A Marine Spatial Data Infrastructure to manage multidisciplinary, inhomogeneous and fragmented geodata in a FAIR perspective ... the Adriatic Sea experience
Oceanologia, Vol 65 (1):260-277
January-March 2023 - Liu SM, Liang W, Guo X, Wu N, Zhang W, Shan X, Zhao H-D, Wang J, Huang J Biogeochemistry-ecosystem-social interactions on the Chinese continental margins
Oceanologia, Vol 65 (1):278-296
January-March 2023
- Omstedt A, Gustavsson B The ocean: Excursion and return. Filosofia, (67), 25-40, December 2022
- Gröger M, Placke M, Meier HEM, Börgel F, Brunnabend S-E, Dutheil C, Gräwe U, Hierony-mus M, Neumann T, Radtke H, Schimanke S, Su J, Väli G The Baltic Sea Model Intercomparison Project (BMIP) – a platform for model develop-ment, evaluation, and uncertainty assessment Geosci Model Dev 15:8613–8638, November 2022
- Omstedt A, Gustavsson B, 2022 The complex interactions between humans and the marine environment require new efforts to build beauty and harmony. Front Mar Sci 9:913276,
doi: 10.3389/fmars.2022.913276, August 2022 - Dutheil C, Meier HEM, Gröger M, Börgel F Understanding past and future sea surface temperature trends in the Baltic Sea Climate Dynamics 58:3021–3039,, June 2022
- Van Dam B, Lehmann N, Zeller MA, Neumann A, Pröfrock D, Lipka M, Thomas H, Böttcher ME Benthic alkalinity fluxes from coastal sediments of the Baltic and North seas: comparing approaches and identifying knowledge gaps. Biogeosciences, 19, 3775–3789, April 2022
- Viitasalo M, Bonsdorff M, 2022 Global climate change and the Baltic Sea ecosystem: direct and indirect effects on species, communities and ecosystem functioning. Earth Syst. Dynam., 13, 711–747, April 2022
- Börgel F, Meier HEM, Gröger M, Rhein M, Dutheil, Kaiser JM Atlantic multidecadal variability and the implications for North European precipitation Environmental Research Letters 17:4, 044040, March 2022
- Gröger M, Dieterich C, Dutheil C, Meier HEM, Sein DV Atmospheric rivers in CMIP5 climate ensembles downscaled with a high-resolution regional climate model ESD, 13, 613–631, March 2022
- Krapf K, Naumann M, Dutheil C, Meier HEM Investigating Hypoxic and Euxinic Area Changes Based on Various Datasets From the Baltic Sea Front Mar Sci 9:823476, doi: 10.3389/fmars.2022.823476, March 2022
- Kulinski K, Rehder G, Asmala E, Bartosova A, Castensen J, Gustafsson B, Hall POJ, Humborg C, Jilbert T, Jürgens K, Meier HEM, Müller-Karulis B, Naumann M, Olesen JE, Sacchuk O, Schramm A, Slomp CP, Sofiev M, Sobek A, Szymczycha B, Undemann E: 2022 Biogeochemical functioning of the Baltic Sea , Earth Syst. Dynam., 13, 633–685, March 2022
- Meier HEM, Kniebusch M, Dieterich C†, Gröger M, Zorita E, Elmgren R, Myrberg K, Ahola M, Bartosova A, Bonsdorff E, Börgel F, Capell R, Carlén I, Carlund T, Carstensen J, Christen-sen OB, Dierschke V, Frauen C, Frederiksen M, Gaget E, Galatius A, Haapala J, Halkka A, Hugelius G, Hünicke B, Jaagus J, Jüssi M, Käyhkö J, Kirchner N, Kjellström E, Kulinski K, Lehmann A, Lindström G, May W, Miller P, Mohrholz V, Müller-Karulis B, Pavón-Jordán D, Quante M, Reckermann M, Rutgersson A, Savchuk OP, Stendel M, Tuomi L, Viitasalo M, Weisse R, Zhang W Climate Change in the Baltic Sea Region: A Summary. Earth Syst. Dynam., 13, 457–593, March 2022.
- Lehmann A, Myrberg K, Post P, Chubarenko I, Dailidiene I, Hinrichsen H-H, Hüssy K, Liblik T, Lips U, Meier HEM, Bukanova T: 2022 Salinity dynamics of the Baltic Sea, Earth Syst. Dynam., 13, 373–392,, February 2022
- Rutgersson A, Kjellström E, Haapala J, Stendel M, Danilovich I, Drews M, Jylhä K, Kujala P, Guo Larsén X, Halsnæs K, Lehtonen I, Luomaranta A, Nilsson E, Olsson T, Särkkä J, Tuomi L, Wasmund N: 2022 Natural Hazards and Extreme Events in the Baltic Sea region, Earth Syst. Dynam., 13, 251–301,, February 2022
- Ruosteenoja K, Jylhä K Projected climate change in Finland during the 21st century calculated from CMIP6 model simulations.
Geophysica, 56, 39-69, January 2022 - Meier HEM, Dieterich C†, Gröger M, Dutheil C, Börgel F, Safonova K, Christensen OB, Kjellström E Oceanographic regional climate projections for the Baltic Sea until 2100. Earth Syst. Dynam., 13, 159–199,, January 2022
- Christensen OB, Kjellström E, Dieterich C†, Gröger M, Meier HEM: Atmospheric regional climate projections for the Baltic Sea Region until 2100. Earth Syst. Dynam., 13, 133–157,, January 2022
- Reckermann M, Omstedt A, Soomere T, Aigars J, Akhtar N, Bełdowska M, Bełdowski J, Cronin T, Czub M, Eero M, Hyytiäinen KP, Jalkanen J-P, Kiessling A, Kjellström E, Kuliński K, Guo Larsén X, McCrackin M, Meier HEM, Oberbeckmann S, Parnell K, Pons-Seres de Brauwer C, Poska A, Saarinen J, Szymczycha B, Undeman E, Wörman A, Zorita E Human impacts and their interactions in the Baltic Sea region Earth Syst. Dynam., 13, 1–80,, January 2022
- Hieronymus J, Eilola K, Olofsson M, Hense I, Meier HEM, Almroth-Rosell E Modeling cyanobacteria life cycle dynamics and historical nitrogen fixation in the Baltic Proper Biogeosciences, 18, 6213–6227,, December 2021
- Ahola M, Bergström L, Blomqvist M, Boedeker D, Börgel F, Carlén I, Carlund T, Carstensen J, Aagaard Christensen JP, Futter M, Gaget E, Glibko O, Gröger M, Dierschke V, Dieterich C, Frederiksen M, Galatius A, Gustafsson B, Frauen C, Halkka A, Halling C, Holfort J, Huss M, Hyytiäinen K, Jürgens K, Jüssi M, Kallasvuo M, Kankainen M, Karlsson AML, Karlsson M, Kiessling A, Kjellström E, Kontautas A, Krause-Jensen D, Kuliński K, Kuningas S, Käyhkö J, Laht J, Laine A, Lange G, Lappalainen A, Laurila T, Lehtiniemi M, Lerche K-O, Lips U, Martin G, McCrackin M, Meier HEM, Mustamäki N, Müller-Karulis B, Naddafi R, Niskanen L, Nyström Sandman A, Olsson J, Pavón-Jordán D, Pålsson J, Rantanen M, Razinkovas-Baziukas A, Rehder G, Reißmann JH, Reutgård M, Ross S, Rutgersson A, Saarinen J, Saks L, Savchuk O, Sofiev M, Spich K, Särkkä J, Viitasalo M, Jouni V, Virtasalo J, Wallin I, Weisse R, Wikner J, Zhang W, Zorita E, Östman Ö Climate change in the Baltic Sea : 2021 fact sheet HELCOM Publication, FactSheet 2021, ISSN: 0357-2994, November 2021
- Danilovich I, Raisa A, Slonosky V History of the Hydrometeorological Service of Belarus. OXFORD RESEARCH ENCYCLOPEDIA (ORE) , "CLIMATE SCIENCE", September 2021
- Gröger M, Dieterich C†, Haapala J, Ho-Hagemann HTM, Hagemann S, Jakacki J, May W, Meier HEM, Miller PA, Rutgersson A, Wu L Coupled regional Earth system modelling in the Baltic Sea region. Earth Syst Dynam, 12, 939–973, 2021, September 2021
- Weisse R, Dailidiene I, Hünicke B, Kahma K, Madsen K, Omstedt A, Parnell K, Schöne T, Soomere T, Zhang W, Zorita E: Sea Level Dynamics and Coastal Erosion in the Baltic Sea Region, Earth Syst. Dynam., 12, 871–898, August 2021
- Meier HEM, Dieterich C†, Gröger M, 2021: Natural variability is a large source of uncertainty in future projections of hypoxia in the Baltic Sea. Communications Earth & Environ 2, 50, February 2021
- Placke M, Meier HEM, Neumann T, 2021 Sensitivity of the Baltic Sea Overturning Circulation to Long-Term Atmospheric and Hydrological Changes. J Geophys Res: Oceans, 126, e2020JC016079, February 2021
- Gröger M, Dieterich C†, Meier HEM, 2021 Is interactive air sea coupling relevant for simulating the future climate of Europe? Clim Dynam 56:491–514, January 2021
- Ruosteenoja K, Räisänen J, 2021 Evolution of observed and modelled temperatures in Fin-land in 1901–2018 and potential dynamical reasons for the differences. DOI: 10.1002/joc.7024, Int J Climatol 41 (5):3374-3390, January 2021
- Omstedt A: A Philosophic View of the Ocean and Humanity. Second Edition Springer Nature, 2024
- von Storch H: From Decoding Turbulence to Unveiling the Fingerprint of Climate Change, Klaus Hasselmann-Nobel Prize Winner in Physics 2021 Hardcover ISBN978-3-030-91715-9, 2022
- Omstedt A.: A Philosophical View of the Ocean and Humanity (Springer Earth and Environmental Science, Print ISBN 978-3-030-36679-7, Online ISBN 978-3-030-36680-3, February 2020)
- Schneider B, Müller JD: Biogeochemical Transformations in the Baltic Sea (Springer Oceanography, eBook ISBN: 978-3-319-61699-5, Hardcover ISBN: 978-3-319-61698-8, 110p., 2018)
- Snoeijs-Leijonmalm P, Schubert H, Radziejewska T (eds): Biological Oceanography of the Baltic Sea (Springer Netherlands Science+Business Media, eBook ISBN: 978-94-007-0668-2, Hardcover ISBN: 978-94-007-0667-5, 683p.,)
- Harff J, Furmańczyk K, von Storch H (eds): Coastline Changes of the Baltic Sea from South to East (Springer Coastal Research Library, Vol. 19 Open Access, ISBN: 978-3-319-49892-8 (Print) 978-3-319-49894-2 (Online) May 2017)
- Omstedt, A.: Connecting Analytical Thinking and Intuition: And the Nights Abound with Inspiration. (SpringerBriefs in Earth Sciences, April 2016 ISBN 978-3-319-27534-5)
- The BACC II Author Team: Second Assessment of Climate Change for the Baltic Sea Basin (Springer Regional Climate Studies Open Access, 501 p., May 2015 ISBN 978-3-319-17990-2)
- Omstedt, A.: Guide to process based modelling of lakes and coastal seas. Second Edition (Springer-Praxis books in Geophysical Sciences, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-17990-2, 2015 ISBN 978-3-319-16005-4)
- Schmidt-Thomé, P., J. Klein (Eds.): Climate Change Adaptation in Practice - from strategy development to implementation (Wiley Blackwell Book Publication, 327 p., May 2013 ISBN 978-0-470-97700-2)
- Kulinski K, Pempkowiak J, 2012: Carbon Cycling in the Baltic Sea (Springer Verlag, 130p. ISBN: 978-3-642-19387-3)