International Baltic Earth Winter School for Young Scientists on “Earth System Science for the Baltic Sea Region”

„Gespensterwald“ near Nienhagen. Photo: Markus Meier/IOW
We invite PhD students and early career scientists (postdocs) from the Baltic Sea region to the Baltic Earth Winter School on “Earth System Science for the Baltic Sea Region”!
Registration Deadline extended: 15 January 2023
The interdisciplinary school will provide a broad overview over ongoing research activities on the Earth system in the Baltic Sea region and discuss grand challenges in sciences, for instance as summarized in the Baltic Earth Assessment Reports (BEARs). We will focus on all compartments of the Earth system such as the atmosphere, ocean, sea ice, land surface, and terrestrial and marine ecosystems. The holistic view of the Earth system will include the anthroposphere, considering human impacts on climate and environment. A number of teachers with different scientific background from all over the Baltic Sea region will introduce the PhD students and early career scientists into their own research topics in an easily understandable format. Lectures on observations, experiments and modeling will be complemented by exercises, debates on hot topics in Earth system science and knowledge gaps and a podium discussion. As a background the recently published BEARs (2022) and the HELCOM – Baltic Earth fact sheet on Climate Change in the Baltic Sea (2021) may trigger the exchange of ideas and concepts. The goal of the school is to provide an overview of the level of knowledge and to assist in future career choices. Informal meetings and discussions are planned in the evenings. All participants will be given the opportunity to present their research in the form of short talks and to open up for feedback.
Course site: Leibniz Institute for Baltic Sea Research Warnemünde, Rostock, Germany
Course period: 4.5 full days in total, 27 – 31 March 2023, start Monday 9:00, end Friday 13:00
Estimated number of participants: ~80 persons.
Lecturers (list to be updated):
Elinor Andrén, Södertörn University;
Markus Meier, IOW;
Hans Burchard, IOW;
Bronwyn Cahill, IOW;
Matthias Gröger, IOW;
Kari Hyytiäinen, Helsinki University;
Jeromé Kaiser, IOW;
Susanne Kratzer, Stockholm University;
Karol Kulinski, Institute of Oceanology – Polish Academy of Sciences;
Urmas Lips, TalTech;
Marcus Reckermann, Hereon;
Gregor Rehder, IOW;
Martin Stendel, Danish Meteorological Institute;
Hans von Storch, Hamburg University;
Ralf Weisse, Hereon
Costs: No fees. Refreshments during the breaks will be served free of charge. Travel, accommodation and meals are not included.
Accommodation: Warnemünde is a very touristic spot with many available hotels and apartments. Alternatively you might also want to check accommodation in Rostock that can easily be reached by train within approx. 30 minutes.
Please check the Announcement Flyer (see right column) for a list of recommended accomodation in Warnemünde and Rostock.
Applications: The School is open to PhD students and early career scientists (postdocs) in geosciences such as climate science, meteorology, physical, chemical and biological oceanography, hydrology, terrestrial and marine biogeochemistry, food web interactions and associated fields.
Please use our registration tool on the IOW website (link see below).
Please note that we have to limit the number of participants depending on the pandemic situation. The selection criterion follows the principle “first come, first served”. PhD students will be given priority.
Extended deadline for registration: 15 January 2023.