Janusz Pempkowiak deceased


Portrait Pempkowiak
Prof. Janusz Pempkowiak (Photo: Silke Köppen)

With deep regret we inform the Baltic Earth community that Prof. Janusz Pempkowiak deceased on 22 June 2021. He was the Director of the Institute of Oceanology IO-PAN in Sopot for many years, and a long-time member of the BALTEX Science Steering Group which he joined in 2009. He always promoted BALTEX research and co-organized the 6th Study Conference on BALTEX in 2010, on the island of Wolin, Poland. He gave many impulses to incorporating biogeochemistry, and the carbon cycle in particular, into the BALTEX programme, and later into Baltic Earth. At the transition to Baltic Earth, he left the Steering Group to give way to younger scientists, but he remained with Baltic Earth. We condole his family, friends and colleagues.