Baltic Earth Working Group on Outreach and Communication
Background and objective
The task of this group will be to initiate and design potential outreach activities of the new programme. Also the content and design of the new website and activities in social media shall be in the hands of this group. Tentative aims for outreach and communication are to provide an arena for scientific exchange and discussion around the Baltic Sea to communicate findings within the Baltic Earth research community internally and to other researchers and society, to provide an arena for integrating discussions with actors in society as a step to continuously develop the challenges to advertise Baltic Earth and make the research and researchers visible, and to communicate the importance of the Grand Challenges to funding agencies and to promote funding of relevant research. It will be important to assess ways to communicate with climate services and environmental agencies – though special targeted newletters or policy papers or other types of interactions. Specific sessions at already existing conferences (EGU, AGU, BSSC etc), focusing on Baltic Earth or related topics may be a way to reach out to other relevant scientific communities. Generally, the organization of conferences, workshops and meetings, the publication of outreach products like a newsletter, summary booklets and other outreach print publications for non-scientists in English and the Baltic Sea riparian languages will be activities of this group.
Description of tasks (or Terms of Reference)
The goal of Baltic Earth outreach activities is to provide an arena for scientific exchange and discussion to communicate findings within the Baltic Earth research community and to other researchers, but also to stakeholders and society at large. An important instrument, next to the website and social media is the production of outreach products like newsletters, summary booklets and other outreach publications for non-scientists in English and the languages of the Baltic Sea countries. Presentations and other side-events at stakeholder conferences are used to discuss the current scientific knowledge with non-scientific professionals (practitioners, politicians, corporate representatives) to facilitate the joint elaboration of sustainable solutions.
Members of the Working Group on Outreach and Communication
Hans von Storch | Helmholtz-Zentrum Hereon | Germany | |
Carin Nilsson | Lund University | Sweden | |
Marcus Reckermann | IBES, Helmholtz-Zentrum Hereon | Germany | |
Joanna Wibig | University of Lodz | Poland | |
Heikki Tuomenvirta | FMI | Finaland | |
Insa Meinke | Helmholtz-Zentrum Hereon | Germany | |
Markus Meier | SMHI | Sweden | |