BACC II Science Steering Committee

The role of the BACC II Science Steering Committee (BACC II SSC) is to formulate a plan for the BACC II assessment and the outline topics to be addressed. The SSC will also invite Lead Authors for each specific topic, and prepare and update the list of Lead Authors as required to implement the BACC II process. Furthermore, it will arrange the review process and comment on the accuracy and completeness of the scientific and technical content.

Members of the BACC II Science Steering Committee (also BALTEX Working Group on BACC II)

Mikko AlestaloFMIFinland mikko.alestalo(at)
Phil GrahamSMHISwedenphil.graham(at)
Hans-Jörg IsemerHelmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht, BALTEX SecretariatGermanyisemer(at)
Sirje KeevallikMarine Systems Institute at TUTEstoniasirje.keevallik(at)
Maris KlavinsUniversity of LatviaRigamaris.klavins(at)
Maria LaamanenHELCOMFinlandmaria.laamanen(at)
Juha-Markku LeppänenFinnish Environment InstituteFinlandjuha-markku.leppanen(at)
Anders OmstedtUniversity of GothenburgSwedenanders.omstedt(at)
Rajmund PrzybylakNicolaus Copernicus UniversityPolandrp11(at)
Marcus ReckermannHelmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht, BALTEX Secretariat Germanymarcus.reckermann(at)
Benjamin SmithLund UniversitySwedenben.smith(at)
Hans von Storch (Chair)Helmholtz-Zentrum GeesthachtGermanyhvonstorch(at)
Heikki TuomenvirtaFMIFinlandheikki.tuomenvirta(at)
Timo VihmaFMIFinlandtimo.vihma(at)
Valery VuglinskyRSI St. PetersburgRussiaVVuglins(at)
Ilppo VuorinenUniversity of TurkuFinlandilppo.vuorinen(at)
Mikko Alestalo Director

Finnish Meteorological Institute

Phone: Phone +358-9-1929 2210

Fax: Fax +358-9-1929 2203

E-mail contact

P.O Box 503
FI-00101 Helsinki/Finland

Phil Graham

Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute

Phone: +46-11-495 8245

Fax: +46-11-495 8001

E-mail contact

SE-601 76 Norrköping

Hans-Jörg Isemer

International BALTEX Secretariat

Phone: + 49-4152-87-1661

Fax: + 49-4152-87-1730

E-mail contact

Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht
Max-Planck-Straße 1
D-21502 Geesthacht / Germany

Sirje Keevallik

Marine Systems Institute at TUT

Phone: + 372-620-4316

Fax: + 372-620-4301

E-mail contact

Akadeemia tee 21
EE-12618 Tallinn / Estonia

Maris Klavins Head of Environmental Science Department

Faculty of Geographical and Earth Sciences

Phone: + 371 67331766

Fax: + 371 67332704

E-mail contact

University of Latvia
Raina bulv. 19
LV 1586 Riga, Latvia

Maria Laamanen


Phone: +358 (0)207 412 627

Fax: +358 (0)207 412 627

E-mail contact

Katajanokanlaituri 6 B
FI-00160 Helsinki, Finland

Juha-Markku Leppänen

Marine Research Centre

Phone: +358 50 3259652

Fax: +358 9 323 2970

E-mail contact

Finnish Environment Institute (SYKE)
PO Box 140
FIN-00251 Helsinki

Anders Omstedt (Vice-Chair) Professor

Swedish Institute for the Marine Environment

Phone: +46 31 786 2881

E-mail contact

University of Gothenburg
PO Box 260 SE-405 30

Rajmund Przybylak Head of the Department of Climatology

Institute of Geography

Phone: +48 56 6112621

Fax: +48 56 6112620

E-mail contact

Nicolaus Copernicus University
Gagarina 9,
PL- 87-100 Torun, Poland

Marcus Reckermann

International BALTEX Secretariat

Phone: + 49-4152-87-1693

Fax: + 49-4152-87-1730

E-mail contact

Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht
Max-Planck-Straße 1
D-21502 Geesthacht / Germany

Benjamin Smith

Department of Physical Geography and Ecosystems

Phone: + 46-46 - 222 43 54

Fax: +46-46 - 222 03 21

E-mail contact

Lund University
Sölvegatan 12
223 62 Lund, Sweden

Hans von Storch (Chair)

Institute of Coastal Research

Phone: + 49-4152-87-1831

Fax: + 49-4152-87-2832

E-mail contact

Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht
Max-Planck-Straße 1
D-21502 Geesthacht / Germany

Heikki Tuomenvirta

Finnish Meteorological Institute

Phone: + 358-9-1929-4122

Fax: + 358-9-1929-4129

E-mail contact

Erik Palménin aukio 1
P.O. BOX 503

Timo Vihma

Finnish Meteorological Institute

Phone: + 358-9-1929-4173

Fax: + 358-9-1929-4103

E-mail contact

P.O. Box 503, Vuorikatu 24
FIN-00101 Helsinki / Finland

Valery Vuglinsky

State Hydrological Institute

Phone: + 7-812 323-3458

Fax: + 7-812 323-1028

E-mail contact

23, Second Line
SU-199053 St. Petersburg / Russia

Ilppo Vuorinen

Archipelago Research Institute

Phone: +358-(0)2-333 59 74

Fax: +358-(0)2-333 65 92

E-mail contact

University of Turku
Saaristomeren tutkimuslaitos
Luonnontieteidentalo II
20014 Turun yliopisto