Events Grand Challenges Projects Publications

Extending the knowledge of the regional Earth system in the Baltic Sea region

Baltic Earth strives to achieve an improved Earth System understanding of the Baltic Sea region as the basis for science-based management in the face of climatic, environmental and human impact in the region. Baltic Earth brings together a broad international research community around core scientific issues identified as fundamental to informing societal efforts to achieve sustainability in the region. These “Grand Challenges” are tackled through joint research efforts, workshops, conferences and capacity building events accompanied by a continuous process of synthesis of the current state of knowledge. Communication with stakeholders and research funders aims to ensure impact and relevance of the research. Baltic Earth targets the atmosphere, land and marine environment of the Baltic Sea, its drainage basin and nearby areas with relevance for the Baltic Sea region. “Background”

International Baltic Earth Secretariat jointly hosted by IOW and IO-PAN

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As of 4 February 2025, the International Baltic Earth Secretariat (IBES) is jointly hosted by Leibniz Institute of Baltic Sea Research in Warnemünde, Germany (IOW) and Institute of Oceanology, Polish Academy of Science, Sopot, Poland (IO-PAN)!

Read more about it here...



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7th International Baltic Earth Winter School in Klaipeda!

The next International Baltic Earth Winter School for Young Scientists on “Earth System Science for the Baltic Sea Region” takes place in Klaipeda, Lithuania,...

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Baltic Earth Article in "Baltic Rim Economies"

A comprehensive overview article on Baltic Earth by Markus Meier and Karol Kulinski was published in "Baltic Rim Economies", an international discussion forum...

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Baltic Earth Session at EGU 2025

EGU General Assembly 2025 Vienna, Austria, 27 April–2 May 2025...

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2nd Baltic Earth Workshop on "Multiple Drivers" in Helsinki: Register until 25 November!

The 2nd Workshop on "Multiple Drivers of Earth system changes in the Baltic Sea region", will be held in Helsinki, 4-5 December 2024. This...

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6th Baltic Earth Colloquium on Marine Heatwaves

On 2 December, Matthias Gröger will speak about Marine Heatwaves in our Baltic Earth Online Colloquium.

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Updated HELCOM-Baltic Earth Climate Change Fact Sheet available now!

In a collaboration between HELCOM and Baltic Earth, the Climate Change Fact Sheet has now been updated with several new parameters.

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International Baltic Earth master course on “Climate of the Earth system”

As in the previous years, University of Rostock and Baltic Earth offer a hybrid Master Course on the "Climate of the Earth system" in...

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5th Baltic Earth Scientific Colloquium on 7 October!

Baltic Earth and its predecessor BALTEX have been part of the global GEWEX family since 1992. Ali Nazemi of Concordia University, Montreal, Canada, is...

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10th Baltic Earth Sommer School on Askö, Sweden: Learning and having fun

For the 10th time, the Baltic Earth Summer School has taken place on Askö island in the Swedish skerries, as always during the last...

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4th Baltic Earth Scientific Colloquium on 3 June!

Lorenzo Minola of University of Gothenburg will speak on "From understanding changes in surface winds to quantifying their impacts". The 4th Baltic Earth Scientific...

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