Marcus Reckermann

Marcus Reckermann is head of the International Baltic Earth Secretariat at Helmholtz-Zentrum Hereon in Geesthacht in Germany near Hamburg. He is a biological oceanographer by education, with research activities in the North and Baltic Seas, the North Atlantic and the Arabian Sea. Since 2005 he has been in the coordination office of Baltic Earth (before 2013: BALTEX), which is an international and interdisciplinary research network for the Baltic Sea region ( Next to supporting the Baltic Earth network of researchers and research institutions, he is responsible for organizing conferences, workshops, summer schools and other meetings and is active in editing various publications on Baltic Earth related subjects; like the recent effort to summarize the available knowledge on climate change in the Baltic Sea region in the so-called BACC reports (Baltic Earth Assessment of Climate Change for the Baltic Sea region), the Oxford Research Encyclopedia on Climate Science, and the BEAR reports on assessing the current state of Earth system research in the Baltic Sea region.

Curriculum Vitae
Selected Publications
Dr. Marcus Reckermann
Dr. Marcus Reckermann

Head of International Baltic Earth Secretariat

Helmholtz-Zentrum Hereon
Max-Planck-Str. 1
21502 Geesthacht


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