Marcus Reckermann
Marcus Reckermann is head of the International Baltic Earth Secretariat at Helmholtz-Zentrum Hereon in Geesthacht in Germany near Hamburg. He is a biological oceanographer by education, with research activities in the North and Baltic Seas, the North Atlantic and the Arabian Sea. Since 2005 he has been in the coordination office of Baltic Earth (before 2013: BALTEX), which is an international and interdisciplinary research network for the Baltic Sea region ( Next to supporting the Baltic Earth network of researchers and research institutions, he is responsible for organizing conferences, workshops, summer schools and other meetings and is active in editing various publications on Baltic Earth related subjects; like the recent effort to summarize the available knowledge on climate change in the Baltic Sea region in the so-called BACC reports (Baltic Earth Assessment of Climate Change for the Baltic Sea region), the Oxford Research Encyclopedia on Climate Science, and the BEAR reports on assessing the current state of Earth system research in the Baltic Sea region.
- 1984-1988
Study of Biology at the University of Cologne, Germany
Study of Biological Oceanography at Christian-Albrechts-Universität Kiel, Germany
Diploma Degree in June 1991 in the Department of Marine Planktology of the Institut für Meereskunde (IfM, Institute for Sea Research) at the University of Kiel - 1988-1991 Thesis title: "Untersuchungen zur Bildung und Abgabe von gelösten organischen Substanzen durch Phytoplankton in der mittleren Ostsee" ("On the formation and release of dissolved organic substances by phytoplankton in the Baltic proper"); Several research cruises to the Baltic Sea and Norwegian Sea
- 1991-1992 Research activities within the EU-STEP-Project "Modelling Phaeocystis blooms: causes and consequences" at the Nederlands Instituut voor Onderzoek der Zee (NIOZ, Netherland´s Institute for Sea Research, Texel, the Netherlands)
- 1992-1993 Participation in two research cruises to the Arabian Sea on board R.V. TYRO within the framework of the Dutch JGOFS project "Netherlands Indian Ocean Programme 1992-93"
- 1992 - 1997 Scientist at the Institut für Ostseeforschung Warnemünde, Germany (IOW, Baltic Sea Research Institute); research activities within the BMBF (German Ministry of Education and Research) - Project "Transport- und Umsatzprozesse in der Pommernbucht (TRUMP)": "Transport and turnover processes in the Pomeranian Bay (Southern Baltic Sea)"; participation in various research cruses to the Pomeranian Bay, the Baltic proper and the Arabian Sea (JGOFS-METEOR cruise 32/2 and 32/3 in May 1995)
- 1996 Ph.D. degree with grade "Magna cum laude"; Thesis title: "Ultraphytoplankton and protozoan communities and their interactions in different marine pelagic ecosystems (Arabian Sea and Baltic Sea)"
- 1997 - 2001 Scientist at the FTZ (Research- and Technology Centre Westcoast of Kiel University)
- 2002 - 2003 Scientist at the Institut für Ostseeforschung Warnemünde, Germany (IOW, Baltic Sea Research Institute)
- 2003 - 2005 Coordinator of the international Master of Science programme "Coastal Geosciences and Engineering" at Kiel University; Implementation of the Bologna reforms (ECTS, DS, preparation for accredition)
- 2005 -2013 Scientist at the International BALTEX Secretariat at GKSS Research Centre in Geesthacht, Germany (now Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht); research coordination and management; organization of meetings, workshops, conferences, summer schools; editorship of special journal issues and text books; various public lectures
- Since 2013 Head of International Baltic Earth Secretariat at Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht research coordination and management; organization of meetings, workshops, conferences, summer schools; editorship of special journal issues and text books; various public lectures; member of BONUS Advisory Board
- Reckermann M. (1991). Untersuchungen zur Bildung und Abgabe von gelösten organischen Substanzen durch Phytoplankton in der mittleren Ostsee. Diplomarbeit, Chr.-Albrechts-Universität Kiel.
- Hansen F.C., Reckermann M., Klein Breteler W.C.M. and Riegman R. (1993). Phaeocystis blooming enhanced by copepod predation on protozoa: evidence from incubation experiments. Marine Ecology Progress Series 102: 51 - 57.
- Reckermann M. (1993). Micro- and nanozooplankton standing stocks and grazing activity. In: Baars MA (ed.) Monsoons and pelagic systems. Cruise Report Vol.1 of the Netherlands Indian Ocean Programme, National Museum of Natural History, Leiden 1994, pp 45-54.
- Reckermann M. (1996). Ultraphytoplankton and protozoan communities and their interactions in different marine pelagic ecosystems (Arabian Sea and Baltic Sea). Meereswissenschaftliche Berichte Warnemünde, No.14. (Dissertation)
- Pollehne, F. , Busch, S. , Jost, G. , Meyer, B. , Nausch, M. , Reckermann, M. , Schäning, P. , Setzkorn, D. , Wasmund, N. and Witek, Z. (1996): Primary production patterns and heterotrophic use of organic materials , Bull. Sea Fish. Inst., 3 , pp. 43-60 .
- Reckermann M. and Veldhuis M.J.W. (1997). Trophic interactions between picophytoplankton and micro- and nanozooplankton in the western Arabian Sea during the NE monsoon 1993. Aquatic Microbial Ecology 12: 263-273.
- Pollehne F., Jost G., Kerstan E., Meyer-Harms B., Reckermann M., Nausch M.,Wodarg, D. (1999). Triazine herbicides and primary pelagic interactions in an estuarine summer situation. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 238: 243-257.
- Hintze R., Popp P., Reckermann M., Ruser A., Köhler J., Ockenfeld K., Vanselow K.H. (1999). Experiments for continuous chlorophyll measurements in a mesocosm. In: Hartig P. and Vanselow K.H. (Eds.): Ergebnisse des 2. Workshops "Primärproduktionsbestimmungen in aquatischen Systemen", Büsum 5.-8.10.1998. Berichte aus dem Forschungs- und Technologiezentrum Westküste der Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel, Nr. 19. Büsum 1999, 91 pp.
- Ruser A., Popp P., Kolbowski J., Reckermann M., Feuerpfeil P., Egge B., Reineke C., Vanselow K.H. (1999). Comparison of chlorophyll-fluorescence-based measurement systems for the detection of algal groups and the determination of chlorophyll-a concentrations. In: Hartig P. and Vanselow K.H. (Eds.): Ergebnisse des 2. Workshops "Primärproduktionsbestimmungen in aquatischen Systemen", Büsum 5.-8.10.1998. Berichte aus dem Forschungs- und Technologiezentrum Westküste der Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel, Nr. 19. Büsum 1999, 91 pp.
- Reckermann M., Poremba, K., Colijn, F. (1999). Untersuchungen zur Auswirkung der Pallas-Havarie auf die Bakterio- und Phytoplanktongemeinschaft des Wattenmeeres. Berichte aus dem Forschungs- und Technologiezentrum Westküste der Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel, Nr. 20. Büsum 1999, 32 pp.
- Meyer-Harms B., Reckermann M., Voß, M., Siegmund H., von Bodungen B. (1999). Food selection by calanoid copepods in the eutrophic layer of the Gotland Sea (Baltic Proper) during mass occurrence of N2-fixing cyanobacteria. Marine Ecology Progress Series 191: 243 - 250.
- Reckermann M., and Colijn, F. 2000 (Editors): Aquatic Flow Cytometry: Achievements and Prospects. Scientia Marina 64 (2), 2000, 117 - 268.
- Reckermann M. (2000). Flow sorting in aquatic ecology. In: Reckermann M., and Colijn, F. (Editors): Aquatic Flow Cytometry: Achievements and Prospects. Scientia Marina 64 (2), 235 - 246.
- Eschbach E., Reckermann M., John U., Medlin L.K. (2001). A simple and highly efficient fixation method for Chrysochomulina polylepis (Prymnesiophytes) for Analytical Flow Cytometry. Cytometry 44: 126 - 132.
- Tillmann U., Reckermann M. (2002) Dinoflagellate grazing on the raphidophyte Fibrocapsa japonica. Aquatic Microbial Ecology, 26: 247-257.
- Eschbach E., U. John, M. Reckermann, L.K. Medlin (2002) Variation in toxin production of synchronized cultures of Chrysochromulina polylepsis (Prymnesiophyta). Journal of Phycology, 36: 20-20.
- Kerner M., H Hohenberg., Ertl S., Reckermann M.,and Spitzy A. (2003) Self-organization of dissolved organic matter to micelle-like microparticles in river water. Nature 422, 150 - 154.
- Erik Eschbach, Uwe John, Marcus Reckermann, Allan D. Cembella, Bente Edvardsen, Linda K. Medlin (2005) Cell cycle dependent expression of toxicity by the ichthyotoxic prymnesiophyte Chrysochromulina polylepis. AME 39:85-95 (2005) - doi:10.3354/ame039085
- BACC Author Team, 2008: Assessment of Climate Change for the Baltic Sea Basin. Springer Verlag, 474 p. (coordinator)
- Reckermann, M., von Storch, H. and Isemer, H.J. (2008) Climate Change Assessment for the Baltic Sea Basin. EOS 89 (17), 161-162
- Reckermann, M. ; von Storch, H. ; Langner, J. ; Omstedt, A. T. (2010) BALTEX - A science broker for the Baltic Sea Region. American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2010, abstract id. GC42B-01
- Reckermann, M., J. Langner, A. Omstedt, H. von Storch, S. Keevallik, B. Schneider, B. Arheimer, H.E.M. Meier, B. Hünicke (2011) BALTEX - an interdisciplinary research network for the Baltic Sea Region. Environmetal Research Letters, Vol 6, No 4
- Hans von Storch, Insa Meinke, Nico Stehr, Beate Ratter, Werner Karauss, Roger A. Pielke, Rainer Grundmann, Marcus Reckermann, Ralf Weisse (2011) Regional Climate Services illustrated with experiences from Northern Europe. Zeitschrift für Umweltpolitik und Umweltrecht 1/2011, 1-15.
- H E Markus Meier, Helén C Andersson, Berit Arheimer, Thorsten Blenckner, Boris Chubarenko, Chantal Donnelly, Kari Eilola, Bo G Gustafsson, Anders Hansson, Jonathan Havenhand, Anders Höglund, Ivan Kuznetsov, Brian R MacKenzie, Bärbel Müller-Karulis, Thomas Neumann, Susa Niiranen, Joanna Piwowarczyk, Urmas Raudsepp, Marcus Reckermann, Tuija Ruoho-Airola, Oleg P Savchuk, Frederik Schenk, Semjon Schimanke, Germo Väli, Jan-Marcin Weslawski and Eduardo Zorita (2012) Comparing reconstructed past variations and future projections of the Baltic Sea ecosystem—first results from multi-model ensemble simulations. Environmetal Research Letters, Vol 7, No 3
- Reckermann, M., K. Brander, B.R. MacKenzie, A. Omstedt (Eds.), 2012 Climate Impacts on the Baltic Sea: From Science to Policy Series: Springer Earth System Sciences. Springer Verlag, Heidelberg , 2012. 216 p.
- Reckermann M. (2012) Climate change is a big challenge, not only for society but also for science itself. Guest Editorial. Ambio. 2012 Sep; 41(6): 527–528.doi: 10.1007/s13280-012-0316-z
- Meinke, I.; Reckermann, M. (2012) Ostseeküste im Klimawandel - Ein Handbuch zum Forschungsstand. Norddeutsches Klimabüro und Internationales BALTEX Sekretariat (Hrsg.).
- Meinke, I.; Reckermann, M.: Klimawandel an der Ostseeküste : Neues zum Forschungsstand. In: Meer & Küste. (2012) 3, 4 - 5. (ISBN: 978-3-939206-06-4)
- Meier H. E. M., A. Rutgersson-Owenius, M. Reckermann, J. Aigars, F. Berger, I. Dailidienė, C. Donnelly, J. Haapala, S. Keevalik, K. Kulinski, A. Lehmann, K. Myrberg, C. Nilsson, A. Omstedt, I. Partasenok, P. Post, G. Rehder, B. Smith, M. Stendel, H. von Storch, S. Zhuravlev, E. Zorita (2013) Baltic Earth – Earth System Science for the Baltic Sea region. Baltic Earth Newsletter No.1.
- Meier, H.E.M., A. Rutgersson, M. Reckermann, 2014: An Earth System Science Program for the Baltic Sea Region. EOS 95(13):109-110
- Reckermann, M., Omstedt, A., Pawlak, J. F., & von Storch, H. (2014). Climate Change in the Baltic Sea region: what do we know? In G. Martinez (Ed.), Social Dimensions of Climate Change Adaptation in Coastal Regions: Findings from Transdisciplinary Research [KLIMZUG-Reihe: Klimawandel in Regionen zukunftsfähig gestalten 5] (pp. 19-32). München: oekom Verlag.
- Reckermann, M. ; Von Storch, H. ; Omstedt, A. T. ; Meier, M. ; Rutgersson, A. (2014) Prospects of the New Science and Outreach Network Baltic Earth with Results of the Second Climate Change Assessment for the Baltic Sea Region (BACC II). American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2014, abstract id. GC34A-03
- BACC II Author Team (2015) Second Assessment of Climate Change for the Baltic Sea Basin. Springer Regional Climate Studies Open Access, 501 p. (Coordinator and co-autor of Ch.1)
- Rummukainen, M., Rockel, B., Bärring, L., Christensen, J. H., Reckermann, M. (2015). Twenty-First-Century Challenges in Regional Climate Modeling, Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 96(8), ES135-ES138. Retrieved Feb 22, 2023, from
- Omstedt, Anders ; von Storch, Hans ; Reckermann, Marcus ; Quante, Markus (2015) Assessments of regional climate change and its impacts in Northern Europe. EGU General Assembly 2015, held 12-17 April, 2015 in Vienna, Austria. id.14955
- Reckermann, M., Omstedt, A. T. (2016) Documenting Matured Science: The BACC-Type Assessment Reports. American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2016, abstract #U14A-04
- EEA Report No 1/2017: Climate change, impacts and vulnerability in Europe 2016 An indicator-based report. Section 6.5: Vulnerability to climate change in European macro-regions (contributor)
- Reckermann M, Meier HM and Stendel M (2020) Editorial: The Baltic Sea Region in Transition. Front. Earth Sci. 8:589252. doi: 10.3389/feart.2020.589252
- Reckermann, M.; Meier, M. (2022) The Baltic Earth Assessment Reports: From BACC to BEAR . In: GEWEX Quarterly. Vol. 32 (2022) 3, 8 - 12.
- Reckermann, M., Omstedt, A., Soomere, T., Aigars, J., Akhtar, N., Bełdowska, M., Bełdowski, J., Cronin, T., Czub, M., Eero, M., Hyytiäinen, K. P., Jalkanen, J.-P., Kiessling, A., Kjellström, E., Kuliński, K., Larsén, X. G., McCrackin, M., Meier, H. E. M., Oberbeckmann, S., Parnell, K., Pons-Seres de Brauwer, C., Poska, A., Saarinen, J., Szymczycha, B., Undeman, E., Wörman, A., and Zorita, E. (2022) Human impacts and their interactions in the Baltic Sea region, Earth Syst. Dynam., 13, 1–80,, 2022.
- Meier, H. E. M., Kniebusch, M., Dieterich, C., Gröger, M., Zorita, E., Elmgren, R., Myrberg, K., Ahola, M. P., Bartosova, A., Bonsdorff, E., Börgel, F., Capell, R., Carlén, I., Carlund, T., Carstensen, J., Christensen, O. B., Dierschke, V., Frauen, C., Frederiksen, M., Gaget, E., Galatius, A., Haapala, J. J., Halkka, A., Hugelius, G., Hünicke, B., Jaagus, J., Jüssi, M., Käyhkö, J., Kirchner, N., Kjellström, E., Kulinski, K., Lehmann, A., Lindström, G., May, W., Miller, P. A., Mohrholz, V., Müller-Karulis, B., Pavón-Jordán, D., Quante, M., Reckermann, M., Rutgersson, A., Savchuk, O. P., Stendel, M., Tuomi, L., Viitasalo, M., Weisse, R., and Zhang, W. (2022) Climate change in the Baltic Sea region: a summary, Earth Syst. Dynam., 13, 457–593,, 2022.
- Meier, H. E. M., Reckermann, M., Langner, J., Smith, B., and Didenkulova, I. (2022) The Baltic Earth Assessment Reports, Earth Syst. Dynam. Discuss. [preprint],, in review, 2023.
- Reckermann M, J. Harff, H.E.M. Meier, K. Kuliński, H. v. Storch (2023) Earth system changes in marginal seas. Oceanologia 2023. ISSN 0078-3234,