5th Baltic Earth Scientific Colloquium on 7 October!

Monday 7 October 2024, 15:00 CET (Stockholm time). The colloquium will take place online via Zoom and a short registration is required (see below)
GEWEX Hydroclimatology Panel (GHP): A framework for improving hydroclimatological understanding from local to continental scales
Alireza Nazemi, Concordia University, Montréal, Québec, Canada. Chairman of GEWEX GHP (Global Energy and Water Exchanges - GEWEX Hydroclimatological Panel)
The Global Energy and Water Cycle Exchanges (GEWEX) was created more than 30 years ago within the framework of the World Climate Research Programme (WCRP). To date GEWEX has remained as a vibrant core project within the WCRP, aiming at addressing science gaps in the understanding of Earth’s energy and water cycles given a lack of information about the basic fluxes and associated reservoirs of these cycles. GEWEX activities are pursued within four panels, one of which being GEWEX Hydroclimatology Panel (GHP) that aims to understand and predict continental to local-scale hydroclimates for hydrologic applications. GHP itself consists of four categories of activities, including Regional Hydroclimatic Projects (RHPs), under which Baltic Earth is a flagship program, Crosscutting projects (CCs), Data Centers (DCs) and GHP Networks (GNs). Each of these activities play a unique and vital role in chasing GHP ambitions. This talk focuses on introducing current activities under these types of activities and demonstrates how, together and on their own, they can improve our understanding of various hydroclimatic processes and our ability to predict them across scales. The talk highlights the importance of a wider engagement between different communities and the necessity of international collaboration for making progress on understanding and on the monitoring of the changes in the energy and water cycles under ever increasing human pressures. A vision of the path forward for the coming decade, including the goals of GHP for the future, are also described.