2nd Baltic Earth Scientific Colloquium


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The second Baltic Earth online colloquium on 5 February will shed a philosophical light on what we do as natural scientists, in the Baltic Sea region and beyond...

Philosophical views on Baltic Basin climate and environmental sciences

Prof. emeritus Anders Omstedt, University of Gothenburg, Sweden

Monday 5 February 2024 (15:00 Copenhagen/Stockholm time; 16:00 Helsinki/Riga time)

We have investigated the scientific practice during the BALTEX/Baltic Earth research period from 1993 to 2023. The study applies a philosophical view of complex systems, which promotes an increased understanding through idealizations without organizing science into hierarchies. Instead, the pluralistic science approach used by the BALTEX/Baltic Earth program has successfully generated new knowledge about how to deal with climate and environmental changes in the region. Some of the major improvements in science understanding are:

• Improved communication skills through developing conceptual views into drawings with large information contents
• Improved experience in increasing data and data products and realizing the need for well-documented, homogenized, and open data sets. Also, training in how to characterize and detect climate and environmental changes in the region.
• Indices and statistical models have played an important role in understanding complex dynamics. We have learned that they also need consideration of homogeneities and often have severe limitations.
• Several new maps on the region have, in an easy visual way, opened up the understanding of the need for multi-disciplinary research, from geographic to human information.
• Improved knowledge has been built due to intensive research on the atmosphere-ocean boundary layers.
• New knowledge has been achieved through water, heat, nutrients, and carbon budgets.
• Improved knowledge of mechanistic and system models regarding water, heat, nutrients, and carbon cycling.
• Maximum complex models have been strongly developed as the computer capacity has grown and shown important results when attributing the causes for climate change and scenarios of possible future developments.
• Experience from assessment has taught us about the strengths and problems when evaluating science. It also improved our knowledge about multiple-discipline research.

The colloquium is open to anyone and will last about 1h.
A brief registration is compulsory. Please find the registration link below: