1st Baltic Earth Scientific Colloquium


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The first online colloquium will be about "Past trends in the water balance of the Baltic Sea", by Prof. Dr. Markus Meier, Leibniz-Institute of Baltic Sea Research Warnemünde

Past trends in the water balance of the Baltic Sea

Monday 4. December
15:00 (cet/cest; Stockholm/Hamburg)
16:00 (eet/eest; Helsinki/Tallinn)

Prof. Dr. Markus Meier
Leibniz-Institute of Baltic Sea Research Warnemünde

The calculation of the freshwater balance of the Baltic Sea and its temporal variability is a long-standing field of research within BALTEX and Baltic Earth. The difference between precipitation and evaporation over the Baltic Sea catchment area controls, via the rivers, the freshwater input into the Baltic Sea and thus its salinity. However, the salt input via the Danish straits is also variable over time. In this presentation, I will discuss the latest research on low-frequency variability of the water balance of the region and of Baltic Sea salinity.

A very brief registration will provide access to the participation link