New Baltic Earth Working Group on Small-scale processes: Collaborators wanted!


We call for participation in a new Baltic Earth Working Group on Small-scale processes not yet resolved and their impact on the large-scale dynamics and patterns.

An initial virtual meeting of the new WG is planned for early September. A Doodle will be sent out in August.

At the first meeting, we will agree on the scope of the working group and its structure (e.g. chair and co-chair) and discuss the potential scientific outputs. A review paper on the current knowledge of submesoscale processes and their large-scale impact with a focus on the Baltic Sea is suggested as a first deliverable. The meeting could draft an outline of the review paper and suggest dedicated author teams for the respective chapters. Based on the discussions, the Working Group description (scientific objectives, terms of reference and expected outcomes) and relevant input to the revised Baltic Earth Science Plan will be presented at the next BESSG on September 18, 2023.

Interested scientists in collaborating in this new Baltic Earth Working Group are asked to notify Urmas Lips ( by 23 June 2023