Earth System Changes in Marginal Seas: Special Issue in Oceanologia



High quality contributions from two related conferences: this synergistic effort has now resulted in the publication of a Special Issue in Oceanologia. 22 papers from the two online conferences in the Covid-19 year 2020 are now accessible as Open Access. The title of the Special Issue "Earth System Changes in Marginal Seas" reflects the scope of both confences: the 3rd Baltic Earth Conference “Earth system changes and Baltic Sea coasts”, held online on 2 and 3 June 2020, and the International Conference “Marginal Seas — Past and Future”, also held online on 16 and 17 December 2020.

The conferences are strongly interrelated in terms of content as well as organization, so it was decided to exploit the synergies for this collection of papers: the marginal seas concept can be applied to the Baltic Sea region, and the Baltic Earth concept can be relevant in marginal seas worldwide.

Contributions came from the Baltic Sea, the China Seas, the Mediterranean, the Salish Sea (in NW America) and the South African continental shelf; some contributions described overarching issues. Most papers in this Special Issue describe physical or biogeochemical aspects of the regional Earth systems, using modeling, observation, mapping and data management for historical reconstructions and future projections.

The continuing collaboration between Baltic Earth and the DDE Marginal Seas Task Group on Marginal Seas has resulted in another joint conference in 2022, for which a call for papers is now open.