Baltic Stakeholder Conference 2022



The Baltic Stakeholder Conference 2022 - Climate Change in the Baltic Sea (BSC2022) is held online on 26-27 September 2022. It discusses how climate change in the Baltic Sea can be handled by the various stakeholders in the region. The scientific basis is provided by the HELCOM/Baltic Earth 2021 Fact Sheet "Climate Change in the Baltic Sea", which is now also available in German.

The conference will take place over two days:

Day 1 (26 September 2022): Webinar about climate change in the Baltic Sea
Day 2 (27 September 2022): Workshop on the science, policy and management aspects of climate change

Day 1 is open to all. For Day 2, already registered participants from March 2022 have a reserved seat. A few seats are still available and will be allocated on a first come, first served basis. Please note that the organizers reserve the right to admit participants in order to balance gender, geographical origin and profile of participants.

Attendance on Day 1 is required for attending the Day 2 workshop as the workshop will build on the findings presented on Day 1.

The BSC2022 is organised by the German Environment Agency (UBA) and the German Federal Agency for Nature Conservation (BfN) in conjunction with Baltic Earth.

Registration details and more information can be found on the BSC2022 website (link see below).

Looking forward to seeing you at the BSC2022!

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