Christian Dieterich deceased


Christan Dieterich
Christan Dieterich (Photo: SMHI)

With deep regret we inform the Baltic Earth community that Christian Dieterich (1964-2021) deceased. Christian was senior scientist at the Research and Development Department at the Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), Norrköping, Sweden, and has been an active member of the Baltic Earth community since its beginning. We sadly miss Christian as a kind and competent colleague.

Christian studied physical oceanography at Kiel University. After stays as researcher at the Institute for Marine Research, Kiel, Germany; the Alfred Wegener Institute, Bremerhaven, Germany and the University of Chicago, Chicago, USA, he started 2010 his work at SMHI. Christian developed a regional coupled atmosphere-ice-ocean climate model for the Baltic Sea and North Sea region and performed, inter alia, a unique set of scenario simulations of the 21st century that was used in numerous publications. Since 2013 he participated in the Baltic Earth open research network and contributed as work package leader to the climate change fact sheet of the joint Baltic Earth - HELCOM Expert Network on climate change in the Baltic Sea region (EN CLIME). Furthermore, he contributed to the Baltic Earth Assessment Reports (BEARs) with great enthusiasm.

We condole his family, friends and colleagues.