"The Baltic Sea in Transition" as e-book


The Helsingør Castle, Denmark
Helsingør Castle (Photo: M. Reckermann)

The "Frontiers in Earth Science" Research Project based on contributions to the 2nd Baltic Earth Conference, 2018 in Helsingør, Denmark, 11 to 15 June 2018, is now also available as e-book and pdf. This is the compilation of papers in book form, ready for free download.

The 2nd Baltic Earth Conference took place in Helsingør, Denmark, at the beautiful setting of the Oresund. The title of the conference refered to the geographical location of the conference, as Helsingør is located in the transitional waters between the North Sea and the Baltic Sea, but it also refers to the environmental changes, which currently take place in the region, due to climate change and other anthropogenic pressures.

The 19 contributions in this Frontiers Research Topic are part of the 126 which were presented orally or as posters at the conference, spanning the spectrum of Baltic Earth research, from observed and modeled processes in the atmosphere, the sea and on land, as well as transition processes between these compartments. Innovative methods and management issues were also discussed.

We are happy to present this Frontiers Special Issue resp. Research Project as free pdf or e-book download. We hope this will strengthen the coherence of the different contributions and foster their usability.