Welcome to the Registration page for the 4th Baltic Earth
Conference in Poland.
Early Registration is over.
Late registration is still possible. Higer fees apply (see
We are looking forward to seeing you in Jastarnia on 30 May -
3 June 2022! Please take a few minutes to go through the registration
Late fees apply. All fees are incl. 19% VAT. After
payment, you will receive a receipt with designated VAT.
can be paid by bank transfer or by credit card. This needs to be specified
in the registration form. If you pay by credit card and have indicated
this in the form, you will be given further instructions by e-mail.
Payments are due immediately following registration.
in the fee: Submission to all lectures and conference material, morning
and afternoon coffee/tea, daily lunches, the ice breaker on Monday
evening, and the conference dinner on Thursday evening.
also indicate your food preferences and any special food requirements.
Payment Details:
by Bank Transfer:
Beneficiary: Helmholtz-Zentrum Hereon
Bank Name:
Commerzbank AG
IBAN-code: DE45
2004 0000 0847 9008 00
Reference/Reason for Payment: Baltic Earth HEL
by Credit Card:
If you have chosen "by credit
card" above, you will get further information be e-mail
all payments, indicate "Reference/Reason for Payment":
Baltic Earth HEL
If the payment is done for more than one participant, please indicate
all names in the "Reason for Payment" field.
If the billing address differs from the one you gave above, please
indicate the correct billing address in the comment field below.
Use of your personal data by Baltic Earth
International Baltic Earth Secretariat at Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht,
Germany, together with institutions in the Baltic Sea region, organizes
workshops, seminars, conferences and publications related to the Grand
Challenges and topics of Baltic Earth. For informing about these events
and other Baltic Earth and Baltic Earth-related activities and events, we
intend to store your following data (all other conference-related data
will be deleted after the conference):
Your name
E-Mail address
Your institute affiliation
Your attendance at
this conference
These data are used for the sole purpose to
inform you about future Baltic Earth and Baltic Earth-related events and
activities, and to potentially approach you for participation on specific
activities within Baltic Earth (projects, publications) on a voluntary
basis. You will receive info-e-mails and E-mail Newsletters, which on a
regular basis inform about Baltic Earth and Baltic Earth related events
and other activities.
You can anytime withdraw this consent by
sending an e-mail to balticearth@hzg.de or clicking the “Unsubscribe”
button in the E-mail Newsletter. In this case your data will be deleted
and you will not be part of the network anymore. Your data will not be
handed to third parties.
With your consent, you are a part of
the Baltic Earth open research network.
Use of your personal photo by Baltic Earth
will take photos at the conference at which people and their interactions
are the integral part of the event. After the conference wie intend to
publish selected photos from the conference, including group photos,
during presentations and poster sessions and at other instances on our
website. Please indicate whether you agree that we use photos on which you
are recognizable.
COVID19 conditions:
We anticipate that the
conference can be held on location in Jastarnia, Poland. There may apply
specififc restrictions and conditions in Poland at the time of conference,
e.g. concerning the vaccination status. In the event that pandemic
conditions or restrictions will make an on-site conference impossible, we
will may need to revert to an online conference. Paid fees will then be