ESA Baltic+ SeaLaBio, User consultation 1 - ERGOM modelling results
WebEx meeting

- LocationJastarnia, Hel Peninsula, Poland
Experiment successful! Thank you for your contribuitions and vivid discussions during our 3rd Baltic Earth Conference!
Indeed it was an experiment to hold a large international conference online, with 80 participants and 35 oral presentations via screen sharing and vivid discussions. We would condsider the experiment successful!

Grafik Experiment successfull
Although the online format has proven to be a good alternative to real conferences in these times, and can be used to have many workshops and other meetings online to save the travel, we will adhere to the biannual frequency of real, physical Baltic Earth Conferences at different locations in the baltic Sea region.
Because science needs the personal contact between scientists for the formation of networks, personal friendships and life-long collaborations. Science would suffer and the scientific quality would be compromised if that personal meeting and networking would not be possible anymore. It is absolutely crucial for good international scientific collaboration.
Therefore, the 4th Baltic Earth Conference will take place 30 May - 3 June 2022 at Hotel Dom Zdrojowy, Jastarnia, Hel peninsula, Poland.
This is the location where the 3rd Baltic Earth Conference was planned. There will be a new motto, and a new announcement and call for papers in autumn 2020.
Baltic Earth strives to achieve an improved Earth System understanding of the Baltic Sea region as the basis for science-based management in the face of climatic, environmental and human impact in the region. Baltic Earth brings together a broad international research community around core scientific issues identified as fundamental to informing societal efforts to achieve sustainability in the region. Baltic Earth targets the atmosphere, land and marine environment of the Baltic Sea, its drainage basin and nearby areas with relevance for the Baltic Sea region.
Scope of the conference
The conference will cover the topics of Baltic Earth, in particular highlighting the Baltic Earth Grand Challenges as defined by the Baltic Earth Science Plan. The grand topic of the conference „Earth system changes and Baltic Sea coasts“ refers to the manifold aspects of the changing Earth system of the Baltic Sea region, in the atmosphere, on land and in the sea. Climate change and the associated sea level rise, but also other human activities puts a particular pressure on the coasts of the southern Baltic Sea, of which the Hel peninsula and the Polish coasts in general are examplary. Landsea interactions and human uses shape and modify the coasts all over the Baltic Sea.
Grafik Baltic Sea
Conference topics
The Baltic Earth Science Plan is organized along specific interdisciplinary research challenges which have been formulated by the Baltic Earth Science Steering Group. Additional topics are treated by dedicated Working Groups and the BEAR .The sessions of this conference will reflect these topics:
- Salinity dynamics in the Baltic Sea
- Land-Sea biogeochemical linkages
- Natural hazards and extreme events
- Sea level dynamics in the Baltic Sea
- Regional variability of water and energy exchanges
- Multiple drivers for regional Earth system changes
- Regional climate system modeling
- New climate observation systems
A dedicated call for papers is available, specifying the scientific sessions. Results from any of these research fields and related to the overall theme of the conference are welcome, as well as contributions from related programmes. Invited and contributed papers will be presented in plenary along with parallel poster sessions.
The conference is also intended as discussion forum for scientists, managers and other stakeholders. Conference language is English.
Scientific Conference Committee
- Juris Aigars, Latvia
- Franz Berger, Germany
- Inga Dailidienė, Lithuania
- Irina Danilovich, Belarus
- Matthias Gröger, Sweden
- Jari Haapala, Finland
- Karol Kulinski, Poland (vice-chair)
- Andreas Lehmann, Germany
- Urmas Lips, Estonia
- Markus Meier, Germany and Sweden (chair)
- Kai Myrberg, Finland
- Anders Omstedt, Sweden
- Piia Post, Estonia
- Marcus Reckermann, Germany
- Gregor Rehder, Germany
- Anna Rutgersson, Sweden
- Tarmo Soomere, Estonia
- Martin Stendel, Denmark
- Ralf Weisse Germany
- Marcin Weslawski, Poland
- Sergey Zhuravlev, Russia
Organisation Committee
- Karol Kulinski, Poland
- Beata Szymczycha, Poland
- Silke Köppen, Germany
- Markus Meier, Germany and Sweden
- Marcus Reckermann, Germany
Organizing Institutions

Grafik Institute of Oceanology, IO-PAN, Sopot, Poland

Grafik Leibniz Institute for Baltic Sea Research Warnemünde, Germany

Grafik Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht, Germany
Breakout event: ESA Baltic+ SeaLaBio, User consultation 1 - ERGOM modelling results, Friday June 5th
ESA Baltic+ activities are focused on coordinated approaches to advance EO-based science, novel applications and data exploitation infrastructures serving the specific needs of the Baltic community. Several projects with focus on different themes have been initiated and the SeaLaBio project targeted Theme 2: Land-Sea biogeochemical linkages. The project is now approaching the end and the achievements and results are being summarized and the “Scientific Roadmap”, which will serve as a basis for definition of future R&D projects, is being formulated.
For proper formulation of the roadmap, input and feedback from the Baltic Earth community is desirable and necessary. The SeaLaBio team is therefore planning two user consultations; one with focus on the modelling results and one with focus on the Earth Observation results. We would like to welcome all interested members of the Baltic Earth community to join us at this consultation event.
SeaLaBio project manager Sampsa Koponen, SYKE, will make a short presentation of the modelling results during the 3rd Baltic Earth Online Conference on the 3rd of June, and the user consultation will then take place Friday June 5th 09:30-11:00 CEST.
Thank you for a successful online 3rd Baltic Earth Conference!
As an exception, the 3rd Baltic Earth Conference was organized as an online conference, 2-3 June. A subset of oral presentations which were originally planned for the physical conference in Poland was given online. A virtual poster session is provided from 27 May to 4 June.
Oral presentations
The online conference had at least 80 participants (max. at a time), and 35 oral presentations were given. See here for the online programme on 2 and 3 June: Overview
Poster presentations
Posters can be viewed on a dedicated protected Baltic Earth webpage and can be discussed with the author directly, during the week of the conference and the week thereafter. Registered participants will receive a link with access information to participate.
The virtual poster hall was closed on 9 June.