Baltic Earth Science Steering Group (BESSG)
As of the third meeting of the Baltic Earth Interim Science Steering Group (BEISSG) on 18 June 2014 in Lund, Sweden, the permanent Baltic Earth Science Steering Group (BESSG) has been installed. Baltic Earth is led and managed by the Baltic Earth Science Steering Group. The steering group has the responsibility to organize and maintain the programme efficiently.

Leibnitz-Institute for Baltic Sea Research Warnemünde, Germany and Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute, Sweden
E-mail contactNumerical modeling of the Baltic Sea, North Sea and Arctic Ocean Atmosphere – sea ice – ocean interactions, biogeochemical modeling, ensemble scenario simulations, climate reconstructions and paleoclimatological studies
Member since June 2013

Carbon cycle in the marine environment, biological pump mechanism, greenhouse effect
Member since June 2013

Environmental Analysis, Environmental Monitoring, Sediments, Environment Environmental Impact Assessments, Eutrophication, Rivers
Member since June 2013

Meteorologisches Observatorium Lindenberg - Richard-Aßmann-Observatorium, Deutscher Wetterdienst Tauche, Germany
E-mail contactAtmospheric observation of regional and local water and energy cycle components and related atmospheric processes making use of three dimensional surface based and satellite observation techniques; data analysis for model evaluation, climate monitoring and satellite product validation.
Member since June 2013

Climate Change, Environment, Climatology, Oceanography, Earth Sciences, Geophysics, Geodesy and Surveying, Remote Sensing Applications
Member since June 2013

Department of Physical Geography Stockholm University
E-mail contactWebsite
Georgia´s research interests include hydro-climate, water resource availability and quality, and their shifts due to changes in human activity, climate, and other environmental aspects. Geographically, her research focus is both global and regional on various parts of the world, including for example the Baltic, Arctic, Central and East Asian, Balkan and Mediterranean regions.
Member since June 2022.

Interactions between physical and biogeochemical processes and their sensitivity to climate change. Biogeochemical and hydrodynamical 3D modelling.
Member since February 2018

Department of Economics and Management Helsinki Institute of Sustainability Science (HELSUS)
E-mail contactWebsite
Kari studies the best practices and policies to protect aquatic ecosystems, with a special focus on the Baltic Sea. His research addresses cost-efficient measures and policy instruments to mitigate and adapt to the environmental problems of the Baltic Sea and the future prospects of sustainable blue growth sectors.
Member since June 2022.

Physical Oceanography, modelling
Member since June 2013

Urmas is professor and head of Department of Marine Systems at Tallinn University of Technology. He is internationally involved in HELCOM, BOOS and EuroGOOS. One of his research interest involves the interplay between meteorological and hydrophysical processes on the one hand, and biological and biogeochemical processes on the other hand.
Member since Nov 2018

3D marine modeling (especially physics), process studies (upwelling, vertical turbulence), smart use of currents for marine safety issues
Member since June 2013

Coastal geomorphology, physical coastal processes, coastal management, vessel wakes and wake impacts, coral reef geomorphology, coastal monitoring, beach nourishment
Member since September 2023

Atmospheric Sciences, Engineering, Climate Change, Environment, Remote Sensing, Meteorology, Earth Sciences, Remote Sensing Applications
Member since June 2013

Marine Chemistry
Member since June 2013

Ocean Modeling, Climate Modeling, Regional Climate Modeling, Boundary Layer Meteorology, Atmospheric Sciences, Climate Variability, Eddy Covariance Field Experiments
Member since June 2013

Tallinn University of Technology Department of Cybernetics President of the Estonian Academy of Science
E-mail contactWave dynamics, coastal engineering
Member since Feb 2018

Regional Climate Modelling
Member since June 2013

Wind waves and wind wave modelling, ocean surface layer dynamics, new automated measurement techniques for the Baltic Sea (Argo floats, gliders)
Member since February 2020

Climate variability and modelling, in particular wind, wave and storm surge climate, and mean sea level changes
Member since March 2016

Institute of Meteorology and Water Management – National Research Institute, Gdynia, Poland
E-mail contactHazardous substances in the marine environment, marine litter, environmental monitoring, assessment of the status of the environment
Member since December 2024